Acting and speaking like a CEO: a people-focused approach to earning respect

Being a successful CEO isn’t just about making strategic decisions or having technical expertise; it’s about leading with purpose, inspiring trust, and empowering others. 

Acting and speaking like a CEO requires a balance of confidence, empathy, and authenticity, with a keen focus on people — the lifeblood of any organisation. 

Here’s how you can cultivate these traits to earn respect and build a thriving, people-centred culture.


  1. Speak with Clarity and Vision
    A CEO who commands respect communicates with clarity and purpose. When addressing your team, articulate your vision in a way that is concise, inspiring, and relatable. Avoid jargon or over-complicated language. Instead, tell stories that resonate with people, connect their roles to the bigger picture, and make them feel integral to the organisation’s success. Be transparent about challenges and opportunities, as honesty fosters trust and loyalty.
  2. Listen to Understand, Not Just Respond
    Great CEOs are exceptional listeners. Create an environment where team members feel valued and heard by actively seeking their input and genuinely considering their perspectives. Practice empathetic listening — acknowledge concerns, ask thoughtful questions, and engage in conversations that demonstrate your commitment to understanding their needs and aspirations. Listening builds trust, and trust is the foundation of respect.
  3. Lead with Empathy and Compassion
    A CEO who prioritises people recognises that success is a collective effort. Show empathy by taking an interest in employees’ well-being, both professionally and personally. Celebrate their achievements, offer support during challenges, and foster a culture that values mental health and work-life balance. When employees feel cared for, they are more likely to respect and follow your leadership.
  4. Embody Confidence and Humility
    Confidence without arrogance is a hallmark of a respected CEO. Approach every situation with poise and a solutions-oriented mindset, but remain humble enough to admit mistakes and learn from them. Acknowledge the contributions of others and give credit where it’s due. This humility makes you relatable and approachable, strengthening your connection with your team.
  5. Set an Example Through Your Actions
    People respect leaders who lead by example. Demonstrate the values you expect from your team — integrity, accountability, and resilience. Show up consistently, work hard, and stay committed to your goals. Actions speak louder than words, and a CEO who walks the talk inspires trust and admiration.

By focusing on people and practising clear communication, empathetic listening, and authentic leadership, you can act and speak like a CEO who earns respect and inspires greatness.


If this article has inspired you to think about your unique situation and, more importantly, what you and your family are going through right now, please get in touch with your advice professional.

This information does not consider any person’s objectives, financial situation, or needs. Before making a decision, you should consider whether it is appropriate in light of your particular objectives, financial situation, or needs.

(Feedsy Exclusive)


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